COVID has finally got me….

5th February 2023

I have finally tested positive for COVID after almost 3 years since we knew about it. To be honest I was beginning to think I was immune . Some sort of super human, who never got ill. This bubble has been well and truly burst. A bit of a shitter really.

I am pretty sure I picked it up at a wedding reception on the 27th January but of course you can never be sure about these things. I had my first positive test on the 31st January and this morning on day 6 I am still positive but feeling a whole lot better.

From the ill-fated wedding reception 27/01/2023.

I had a couple of bad days on 31st and the 1st February where I just stayed in bed but since then I have progressively improved. Yes, I am not infection free and yes not 100% but next week I plan to work from home until I get two consecutive days with a negative test. This also means no gym either or cuddling with Mia. These three things are the hardest to deal with.

However, I’ll be back!

All my love

Veronica x


2 thoughts on “COVID has finally got me….

  1. Sorry to hear you gave covid Veronica.I have caught Covid twice since having all by covid jabs felt awful but i thought how would i have felt if i hadnt been fully vaccinated im sure you will make up your missed cuddles with Mia when you are negative

    Collette x


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